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It's a 'Kind to Human-kind Week', Kinda Week

If you didn't know, this past week was 'Be Kind to Humankind Week', and well what a better way to start off a brand new school year and moving in to your apartment with your new roommates! 'Be Kind to Humankind Week' was established in 1988 to spread positivity and love. To check out their week long, daily intentions calendar for Be Kind to Human Kind, visit their website and blog.

These (to the left and below) are their events fo today and tomorrow to close out the week! But, I want to see how we can keep this love and kindness flowing all through Statesboro year-round!

From us to you!

We are working on EPIC calendar of events for September so be ready for us to shower you with events, giveaways and resident appreciation! Additionally, we want to make sure that you know we are always looking for your best interest! If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't be scared to reach out via phone call, email, text or visit. Come hang out with us at the pool, or chitchat in the office with our team and watch TV!

From you to your roommates!

You and your roommates are going to be together for a whole year, which is why it's best to get the friendship and kindness going early! Here are some general "rules" for living with new roommates and ways to show kindness!

  1. Be clear about your expectations from the beginning. Let your roommate know as soon as you can about little quirks and preferences. Communicating is the best way to eliminate problems before they become too big.

  2. Address problems when they’re little. Addressing things hat bug you while they’re still little can help your roommate be aware of something they may not otherwise know.

  3. Respect your roommate’s personal belongings, establish boundaries for what y'all want to be shareable an anon shareable in the common area. And always ask to borrow, use, or take something of your roommates' before you do.

  4. Be respectful of your contribution to noise level, personal space and belongings in the common area when others home. If you know your roommates are probably in bed, lower the volume on the TV, etc.

  5. We love having our residents bring guests around, but we encourage you to be mindful of who you bring into your apartment and how often. You may love having a study group over twice a week but your roommate may not. Same goes for having SO's over. Alternate studying in the library or going over to your SO's pad.

  6. Lock the door and windows. A simple but impactful way to be courteous and help you and your roommates feel safe.

  7. Be friendly without expecting to be best friends right away, it's ok to be just roommates!

  8. Be open to new things and stay open to change. Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules, and being flexible to a changing environment.

  9. Don't be afraid to ask for help with common area chores, if you feel like the work isn't being equally split just reach out and suggest a chore schedule or just asking if they will do a few tasks.

  10. If nothing else—follow the golden rule! Treat you room-mate like you’d like to be treated and everything should work out fine!

Otherwise, plan a movie night together. Go shopping at TJ Max. Invite them to the basketball court with your friends. Make a snack or a pot of coffee for the whole apartment. I guarantee they will be excited!

From all of us to the great city and University that we share!

There are many ways to show Kindness in Statesboro, GA, just check out Volunteer Match and see the opportunities in the area that you can pursue.

Georgia Southern also offers many volunteer opportunities, which you can check out here!

Any finally, my favorite volunteer and kindness cause: Humane Society of Statesboro & Bulloch County.

To The Vault Team

I would personally like to say to tell my team, I LOVE YOU. You all ROCK. You have the minds for creating solutions, generous hands for helping and joyous heart for compassion. I am so thankful to work a for a team that is so kind to me and to our residents.

And as for our residents, you guys are already so kind to us, there isn't anything more we could ask for than patience and understanding. We want to take this chance to thank everyone who has been patient with us during the move-in process. Thank you to those of y'all who sign year after year and even when the next chapter of your lives arrive, your loyalty and love persists. We could not be thankful for all the love and support you all offer us daily, and ask that you just keep pouring the love on!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the blog or about todays topic, reach out to us via our contact link or directly through my email:

Thank you!

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