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Luxury Without The Cost

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

You might be wondering.... what all do you get for your money at The Vault? Well, as a resident and employee here, I have a lot to brag about! Being a resident here was the main reason I pursued my position here! And I want to share those reasons with you!

First off, when I moved here, I had absolutely no clue who I was going to room with since I had just moved to the area and didn't know anybody in Statesboro. And having bad experiences with random roommates in the past, I was definitely apprehensive. Apprehensive that they wouldn't be anything like me, or like my dog, or that they might be messy or too loud/too quiet... BUT here I am almost ten months later and my roommates are some of the best friends I've ever had. We rarely have roommate related issues, and when we do we all have similar styles in dealing with confrontation to it always works out. Otherwise, we all are very similar in taste, cleanliness, hobbies and other important factors in friendships/roommates.

Which is why working here, it's been super exciting to see the process behind roommate matching. Liz, our marketing and leasing manager, puts all her effort in when it comes to finding the people and the unit that best suites you. As long as you answer your application truthfully, then you are guaranteed to get the best matches possible.

Living here one of the first things I noticed was how much the staff cares about the residents, with feet and paws! They take the safety, comfort and hardships of their residents seriously and will work with us to ensure that we are happy and our needs are met. Personally, as a resident, Angie, our community manager, puts her whole heart into her job. And I see that even more now that I work here and see resident issues first hand and how compassionately our deal

Another thing that I absolutely fell in love with on my tour, is the fact that ALL our utilities are included. I get easily overwhelmed and trying to keep track of work, school, family, a social life, a boyfriend, self-care, pet-care AND numerous bills?? I just couldn't do it. So having all-inclusive rent, I have been able to feel so much more in control of my finances and free time.

I also love the property itself. I love the amenities (especially the pool) and how big our rooms are. And those are two things I always brag on when I give tours here. You can't beat the space and the storage of the bedrooms or the quiet, sunny pool! Check out the photos below to see for yourself!

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