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Wellness Wednesdays @ The Vault: How our residents do wellness!

Here at The Vault we really prioritize our residents' happiness and health. Wether you're hooping on the court, grilling out in the summer air or swimming in the pool, we love to see our resident enjoying those amenities. If you've been watching our Instagram stories, you might have seen that we have recently been doing Wellness Wednesdays, where we share just a few tips for living well, share easy and healthy recipes and other things. I have decided to compile some of our resident and staffs favorite wellness tips on here for y'all!


James- Find an option to get you off your feet for 30 minutes a day that is fun to YOU. Wether it's walking your dog, playing frisbee with a friend, etc. Anything that burns calories will help keep you in shape, help you keep weight off, loose weight and get you fit! Just find something that works for you and make it your own.

Abbey- Yoga when you wake up and before you go to bed! Incorporating yoga into my morning routine gets me stretched for the day ahead and provides numerous health/mental benefits. I like the quiet time to focus on my affirmations, get my goals planned for the day. I also like to plan my night around a quick yoga session. It helps me relax, stretch out the days strain and get in the quiet midnight for sleep!

NOW, we asked our residents what tips they had and they did NOT disappoint. If you want to spruce up your mental health routine, get eating right and set your fitness straight just read some of the fabulous advice below from some of our BFFs at The Vault!


Logan F- "Listen to everything James Moore says!"

Payton R- I like to wake up early every morning and get my day started! For breakfast, I usually make an egg white omelette with fresh veggies in it! I prefer tomato’s and spinach. I also make a smoothie to go with it! I love blueberries, strawberries, peaches, honey, and kale.

Connor W- 1. Mental tip is to give yourself 10- 30 mins when you wake up with no phone or social media because when you first wake up you need to worry about you. Another mental tip is to always understand that you control your feeling internally so that the external problems of the world don’t control you. Mental tip 3 is to re- read(outloud) your affirmations (if you don't already have any written out for yourself, write down some! I've included an example next to this text).

Health: dark chocolate is actually good for you and tour immune system, acne and etc. Another health/ fitness tips can be as easy as using TUT(time under tension) for muscle growth.

Health- cardio(abs) start with a proper diet/ food intake. Or you can do one on hair and skin care.

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